



On August 13, 2021, I had the opportunity to work with Martha and Daniel in the renewal of their vows. The weather was very beautiful. Martha wore a very elegant red dress and I noticed Daniel was very excited all the time.
All this happened in the company of their 2 children, brothers,  and their closest friends. They surprised everyone with a special dance.
I always enjoy every moment,
in fact for me photography is not a job, photography is a joy.

Lara and Christian
Red Clover Ranch

August 03, 3034


What a fun day this past Saturday October 19, 2019
the weather was just perfect. Bridesmaids ready to do any photo we ask day fun  day.
The ceremony took place at the beautiful church of
St. Michael Catholic Church and the reception at
Hilton Oak Brook Hills
to many great memories we capture this past Saturday
Congratulations Mary and Nate!

Mary and Nate
Hilton Oak Brook Hills

June 29, 2019


What amazing day with Monica and Patrick on their wedding day, the Ceremony took place at St. James Church, follow by a delicias Lunch, next  Oak park Il for some amazing photoshot and we finish at for the Reception
so much fun.

Monica+Patric at biagio events

June,29 2019


What does it mean when it rains on your wedding day? You might have thought it was a sign of a bad luck, but it's actually quite the opposite! "In some cultures, rain on your wedding day is considered good luck, symbolizing fertility and cleansing. So whether you are superstitious or just prefer to look on the bright side, think of it this way: Who couldn't use a little good luck on their big day?
we spend a great time at lincoln Park Zoo Chicago

 Rain on a wedding day means good luck!
at Lincoln park zoo Chicago, il

June,23 2019


Back in the day, the father-daughter dance at a wedding had a bit more concrete meaning than it does today. Then, the festivities would begin with the father leading his daughter out onto the dance floor. At some point in the intricate dance, the father would pass his daughter off to her new husband, who would dance her away. The pass symbolized the father’s acceptance of the groom’s suitability, and his willingness to let his daughter leave his home, and take her place in her new household.

While it’s not quite so literal now, the father-daughter dance is still a very important part of many weddings. Turns out no matter how liberated we are, our fathers still want to make sure we’ll always have someone who can take care of us – whether or not we think we need it.
So, what do you want out of the father-daughter dance at your wedding?
The reception took place at bridge port art chicago

Father-Daughter Dance

June,8 2019


It used to be only the bride who cut the wedding cake—today, both partners share in the cake-cutting ritual. Family, friends and photographers alike look forward to the moment the couple joins hands around the cake knife and cuts the first slice. Not only will your guests finally get to taste the gorgeous creation they've been eyeing throughout your reception, it’s also a classic wedding moment.

 Wedding Cake Traditions

May 25 2019


Debating whether to break a tradition and see each other before the ceremony? These incredibly sweet first look wedding photos just might convince you! It’s a new trend in weddings where many couples choose to break this rule in favour of capturing the first look moment. It also adds a couple of additional hours of photography time to capture portraits and other special moments for the wedding album.

So what is a first look? A first look is a moment few hours before the ceremony where bride and groom see each other for the first time on the wedding day. It is usually pre-arranged with their wedding photographer in a private place away from family and friends to capture that moment just for them. However, some first look photos are also incredibly fun to make with the wedding party included.

The First Look for your wedding day

May 13 2019


The first time a newlywed couple dances together at the wedding reception is known as the first dance.

This is a much-anticipated event and a special pre-selected song is typically played while wedding guests look on. The dance floor is ‘officially’ open to guests following the first dance.

Prior to the wedding, many couples will take a series of wedding dance lessons to ensure that they’re in sync on the dance floor.

The first dance may happen immediately following the couple’s Grand Entrance to the wedding reception or later on after the main course has been served.

First dance songs vary depending on the couple’s musical taste and, of course, the mood that they’re trying to evoke.

FIRST DANCE | Theater on the Lake Chicago

May 13 2019


Choosing your wedding flowers can be difficult, but learning what each bloom really means can make your decision a little easier. (For example, did you know that magnolia means "love of nature" and stephanotis signifies "marital happiness"?) During the Victorian era, The Language of Flowers created an ultra-romantic language for lovers' correspondence in which flowers replaced words. If you want to suffuse your wedding flowers with symbolism, check out our guide to the most popular wedding flowers and decide which messages move you most—your florist can also be a great resource too. Happy picking. 

Symbolic Meanings of Wedding Flowers

May 05 2019


You'll get to know your photographer. 
Going off of that, establishing a relationship with your photographer before your wedding will make a difference in the outcome of your wedding photos. Spend about an hour or two getting to know your pro, listening to them, having fun with them, and then get photographed. They'll take note of how you interact with each other, your individual personalities and even your quirks. These details will help them capture moments on the wedding day that are unique to just the two of you. Also, we recommend taking engagement pics sooner rather than later so you're not stressing to get them done when you're in full-on wedding planning mode. 

The Real Reason We Recommend Taking Engagement Photos

May 5 2019


Writing your own vows might seem daunting and difficult—and writer's block is real, trust us—but it'll be so worth it when you're at the altar. Here are some tips and tricks to get you through it.
Start by reading traditional, by-the-book vows from your own religion if you practice a certain faith, and others as well, to see what strikes a chord with you. Incorporate these samples into the original words you write or simply use them as a jumping-off point. Once you've found a few you love, consider what it is about the style that draws you to those vows in particular.
Take some time to reflect on your partner. Think about how you felt when you first met, what made you fall in love and when you knew you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together. Write it all out to get your creative gears turning. Ask yourself certain questions and think about things like why you decided to get married, what hard times you've gone through together, what you've supported each other through, what challenges you envision for your future, what you want to accomplish together, what makes your relationship tick, what you thought when you first saw your partner, when you realized you were in love, what you respect most about your partner, how your life has gotten better since meeting your partner, what inspires you about your partner, what you miss most about them when you're apart—and so on. 

Tips You Need to Read Before Writing Your Own vows

April 27 2019


like many people know Chicago is a City where you never know what the weather will be, hot, super hot, raining, cloudy. or Snowing like this day for the wedding of Laura and Sinai
but days like this are super fun too, they got married at Nativity of Our Lord, after the Ceremony the reception took place at The Nineteenth Century Club, beautiful place at Oak park, IL

Laura and Sinai | The Nineteenth Century Club

April 27 2019


I had amazing time working with Jessica and David who get married at Village Church of Lincolnshire il
them after the ceremony we spend a great time outside the Marriot-10 Marriott Dr, Lincolnshire, IL 

Jessica and David | Marriot-10 Marriott Dr, Lincolnshire, IL 

April 26 2019


what a great time working with this couple this past month ar their 3 days wedding  events a lot of fun, many new friends and a lot of photos to work with

I have a great time at this amazing indian Wedding

June 2018


I had a great time working with this amazing couple
at Geneva IL thus past week

Brandon and Teghan

November 28, 2018